Originally Posted By: CxGxPx
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
So much for an incredibly busy fbs not having the time to debate his stupid theories with the likes of us wage slaves.

Why do you assume I'm not a wage slave?

I assume you are, actually. You just think you're above those of who can't see "what really goes on". Better, smarter, wittier, grungier. More noble, more elegant, whatever. But you honestly don't seem to be type that woukd be able to live the life of a professional activist. You have this tiny bit of passion that makes you a bit more alive than the average malcontent. I get the feeling that you, in spite of what you may say, get that working is a basic building block of even your version of society. I never figured wage slavery was just a theoretical abstract to you. Comments about living in mom's basement aside.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE