Originally Posted By: Willie D
Because I want to see you scarf down pasta and drink over-sweetened soda like the puerile commie you are, get type 1 diabetes and have to inject insulin into your worthless body for a few years until you die from gangrene in your toes and the unending sting of fibromyalgia in your fingertips.

Wrong type. I have type 1 and it's genetic and not diet/weight related. It used to be referred to as juvenile diabetes because it would typically get diagnosed in young children. Type 2 or adult onset diabetes is the kind you get by eating like a pig and not exercising. And the type of nerve damage related to diabetes is called neuropathy and not fibromyalgia. A B vitamin supplement called benfotiamine helps prevent it and was originally used to treat alcoholic nerve damage. So it serves two purposes for me.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.