Originally Posted By: Rear Admiral
Originally Posted By: PrimeD
According to Jonathan Paul Koppenhaver's brother or friend on Twitter, she was the one who attacked him with a knife while he was fighting the other guy in the room.

You would be better off if you were a fake lawyer. This is neither relevant nor dispositive. See NRS 200.200 and NRS 200.275. Also look up Nevada law on defense of others. Bottom line: Mack was entitled under Nevada law to use deadly force in defense of herself or her paramour if she reasonably believed her life was in danger and such force was necessary to end the threat.

That might be accurate legally, provided you're a lawyer with respective knowledge here, which I'll assume for now.

The sources for both versions I mentioned were Twitter accounts.

What do you expect people to do with the case numbers or whatever else it is; paste them in a Google search field and let the laymen figure it out from there?

Written laws might differ drastically when applied in actual cases.

Feel free to share and enlighten.