Originally Posted By: Kingfish
I can't stop laughing at this:


Originally Posted By: From Gawker's article

CITIZEN'S ARREST! A person who controls a wifi near the "combination hair salon and toy store on the increasingly stylish Fifth Avenue strip of Park Slope" called LuLu's has given his or her network a positively vulgar name. It is a name that threatens to sully the posh and sophisticated reputation of a shop that charges $26 to give your child a new lease on life via his or her tresses ($10 for just a bangs job). It is a name that is not good for kids.

On the Google Group bergenbtwn4and5, LuLu's owner Brigitte Prat (or someone posing as her using the handle brigittelpratt) shares the story of how her brand is being attacked (probably by a high person who thought it would be funny to satirize the presumed bourgieness of the children's salon):

Originally Posted By: Brigitte Prat

Unfortunately someone near by has named their WiFi a really awful name referring to my shops, "LuLu's Anal Bleaching for Kids". I've tried calling Time Warner and Verizon and they can't seem to help. I have reached out to the 78th Precinct and my lawyer, but they can't help either because I don't know who it is. You can see the Network from both of my establishments, you can see it on your smart phone from my stores, my house, or standing in front of 417 & 426 Bergen Street as well as across the street. This is really disturbing and I'm lost to what to do without knowing who it is. Any other ideas on how to handle this?

Any ideas?

This works on so many levels. To me the best comedy, like the best art, is that which works within boundaries for maximum effectiveness. Calling people motherfuckers, cunts, etc. isn't that clever. This is very clever when you think about pretentious Brooklyn hipsters taking their kids to snobby salons. You can have this procedure done, I see ads for it in the LA Weekly all the time. I don't think children are the typical recipients though.

What caused this: an asshole being an asshole; the proprietor upsetting a nearby resident or other business through excessive noise or fighting over parking; or something else. The brilliance in this is the person didn't break any laws I can think of and got his or her point across.

Gawker's desperate nonsense is bullshit.

Vice's desperate nonsense is bullshit closer to entertainment. [1] [2]

Anachronistic desperate nonsense is bullshit that won't go away.