Who knows how any pornographer makes any money these days with tube sites galore and forums blatantly dedicated to file sharing porn downloads. There's a whole generation of fools that think porn is free. Somehow the bigger companies must be making $ off dvds.
It's probably absurd for me to review dvds, but somebody's gotta keep this forum alive. It's the least I can do for the companies that send me dvds for free I guess. Less than 10% of the porn I get is worth writing about, so when I do review it's probably something worth wasting words upon or money if you're one of the dwindling few who buy dvds. Not like it was back in the days with porn review mags just saying good shit about garbage movies to sell ads.
Pornographers did it to themselves by producing so much bad porn not worth a penny where they charged out the ass for maybe one good scene on a dvd or a few good scenes a month on the paysite.
"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman