Originally Posted By: J.B.
Originally Posted By: Generizer
I'm so glad I'm not dependent on anything like caffeine to function in the world. It sounds like a miserable pain in the ass.

Yes, it must be wonderful being as perfect as you.

Oh did I hit a sensitive nerve there? Kinda funny that one indirect comment not meant towards any specific person more than the other would get you all worked up. Did I say I was perfect? NOoooo. But thanks for thinking I am!!! smile (ahem, there's a pet peeve for you)

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Try a coffee enema Gen. If you are caffeine free, it will probably be like doing meth without the burn, unless you use hot coffee.

I've always been extremely sensitive and have stayed away from caffeine for the most part or just have a third of a cup of tea diluted. It's an awful feeling. I do get grumpy on rare occasions when I don't get to shit in the morning. Maybe that's my morning coffee wink