There's a place down in Seattle that runs ads for their clinic on the local radio up here. The Schick Shadel clinic. They do a counter conditioning type treatment which is designed to create an aversion to your favorite vice.

For alcohol, they give you syrup of Ipecac and some IV injection to make your body reject alcohol. Then they make you drink a number of drinks and puke everything back up. Each session, they make you drink more alcohol to make you throw up more and more.

The current train wreck I've been seeing has been to this clinic, so I need to ask her what it was like for her. I think she went for a coke addiction. My problem with the ads for the place is that the owner/spokesperson is some former musician guy named Pat O'Day and he sounds like he's still drunk in the radio ads.

I've often wondered at what point in an alcoholics life do they pass the threshold to where they sound drunk even when they're sober. And do they know they sound drunk? Because drunk people usually can't tell when they start to slur their words.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.