Watched the whole the thing as I do every year no where near the old days...The best part was at the start when Hogan didn't even know where the fuck he was..Lesnar was a bit of a shock but Mean Mark looked fucking old and skinny.Time to go.

Better get used to it Barney Lesnar gonna start a new streak.. I just wish they'd bring Pete Rose back his streak was some classic shit..

Bray Wyatt absolutely blows,,It was an interesting hook but now its just stupid..

Razor looked really fucking good for a guy that is basically dead.
Undertaker looked really fucking bad.
Ultimate Warrior proved that he truly is insane..
Lita still the same old Street Rat that Paul-E first hired..
Stephanie disgusts me as a Women..

*That Asshole Avatar is fucking horrendous*
100 Cigarettes

King Richard