LordsOfPain.net is doing nominations for their HOF. only the second year they do this. You can nominate 2 singles wrestlers, 1 tag team/faction, 1 manager/personality and 2 matches.

My nominees:

Randy Savage
Dusty Rhodes

Road Warriors

Lou Albano (Mr Fuji a close 2nd)

Magnum TA vs Tully Blanchard I Quit Match Starrcade 1985
Shane McMahon vs Kurt Angle Glass wouldn't break match.

2013 HOF Class

Ric Flair
Steve Austin

Bobby Heenan

The Four Horsemen

Trish Stratus (close vote w/ Moolah last year, so they are making Moolah automatic this year.

Steamboat vs. Savage from Mania 3
Austin vs. Hart from Mania 13
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral