Who wants to come to Burglar's "After PArty" Before the After party actually starts before the show begins and before everyone else is too fucking drunk to find their ass (and their way around atlantic city?)

Hi Kids!!!! I thought I would drop/pop/plop in for a minute just to see who is still here and who is still posting.....and lo and behold I see this post about this event scheduled in my latest hellhole away from hellhole, Atlantic City.....I split my time these days almost 40/40/20 between Atlantic City, New England and Northern California. But Atlantic City is where I do and practice most of my intellectual pervertinizing these days....

I can tell you 'verts this much: The Taj Mahal is a total dump.....the place is falling apart, and yet they opened not too long ago a "SCORES" Gentleman's club right smack dab in the middle of the Hotel/Casino in an effort to attract (and trap) the most prized demographic of customers for Hotel Casinos, namely (White) Males in the age range of 35 to 50 with lots of disposable income devoted to paying attractive females, aged 21 to 40, who have a job title that reads "Penis Stimulation Specialist".....I would hazard a guess that this convention on April 11 thru 13 will incorporate the SCORES at the Taj. Should be quite interesting....

So who all here thinks they will be in attendance??? ANyone interested in Club_da_Burglar sponsored celebration please speak up in this thread, so I know how many "whore derves" to prepare and how much booze to stock.....

I have not spoken to many of you either on the phone or via the internets in quite some time, so allow me to dispense with the awkwardness so that we may simply pick up where we left off as friends who met and connected via this dysfunctional social & moral minefield known as XPT. Bornyo, Willie D, Gian Jerkinz and many others......what do ya say?!?!?! sunny

PS - Is Windsock still alive??? or did he follow Jamesn into the "afterlife afterparty"???

Edited by Da Burglar (02/14/14 08:08 PM)
Are you gonna eat that?