'Dude, the fuck? You didn't say anything about murder?!' Steele was freaking out.

'Hey player, you want to mix with the big dogs...oh shit I don't know. What the fuck is happening dude' said Knox.

The van kept on driving.....soon the only lights were from the freeway and other cars. Steele and Knox were still worried enough that they were next on the block that they kept their mouths shut. Finally they started to pull into the haze of Tampa....

Dodger turned around. "Aight you fucking idiots. We're almost there. If, and I mean if, you keep your mouths shut, you may walk out."

The van pulled up to a cinder block house that wasn't out of place on COPS. Palm fronds in the yard and a whole mess of neighbourhood shit heels out and about. Knox peered out the window and exclaimed "Holy fuck dude, I've been here before"

Steele wan't impressed, but Knox kept on. 'Brandon took me to this area once a few years back. He had a whole heap of fake Versace shit on, but all the wannabe suitcases out here were impressed. He gave them a $20.00 and his card, told them to call him when they got out to LA with their girlfriends. This house was some sort of hub....the woman was already pimping out her kin...."
"With a slice of Papa Johns in one hand, and a bottle of lotion in the other"-Fartz