Originally Posted By: faceblaster
so you're telling us that fracking is good? That all those people are lying about what is happening to their land and communities? They should all just fuck off and leave that land? That the disease and contamination is god's will and not man made?

I'm not going to tell you anything except this:

That the people who make these movies do so for a reason. They use peoples misery to play the viewers heart strings like a violin, because they have something they want to sell you, and human emotion helps trump facts, logic, and common sense every time.

I don't know, maybe the land those people live on is contaminated, but that doesn't mean fracking was necessarily the cause. There could be a myriad of other reasons for the contamination, that the movie makers aren't ever going to mention. Then again, I don't expect you to take my word for this, just don't take their word for it either. Take some time and look for yourself, that's the one thing that the people who make these type of flicks are counting on you not doing.

As far as fracking being a bad or good thing, that's pretty subjective. I believe it's good because it's a self sustaining industry, it creates jobs/prosperity here, and it keeps more of our money out of the hands of the people who are funding islamic terrorism. Do those sound like pretty good reasons to you?