In other nonsense, yesterday was my first day of completing 50 pool lengths of mock butterfly.

I should hit 60/morning in early Aug. Hope to build to 100/day by the Feast of the Circumcision.

The new waterproof MP3 player I bought really helps me to block out my bursitis and rotator cuff issues and just race the songs to complete laps. It even a bit less sore than usual lately.

My hope is that building muscles around it will help ease the discomfort of using my shoulder to exercise more. So far so good. It still "barks" at times. But, like today, there are times it isn't even too tender to the touch.

I initially injured it in April 1985 lifting a high-speed Florida Data printer that was in a box labelled for disk drives at the Computer Shoppe in Madison, TN. So, the tear is older than THE Twins.

So old that I can't find a picture of the damn printer. Or much of any info for that matter.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink