i'm draggd into a cyber-pissing contest. i feel so special. i guess i won't need my geritol/prunes/nitroglycerine today as you guys got my heart pumping and by bowels moving. thanks! i might even toss my oxygen tank! life is good.

let me set the record straight on something: i didn't feel "dissed" on that set. in fact, i couldn't feel "dissed" on that set cuz that would require me to actually give a fuck if anyone actually made some lame attempt to "diss" me. and if i did--give a fuck that is--i would probly have been motivated to become truly an obnoxious and distracting, out-of-line, geezer cuz that's how i can be sometimes.

i will say i was mildly amused on that set. it's always amusing to me when people take the making of their porn so artistically and self-inflatingly serious, and when they're acting like they're breaking new ground and doing things no one's done before even tho it was done--by myself and more than a few others--years ago. it was like an alt.porn sitcom with no one on that crew truly having a clue what they were doing. i'm guessing the production budget of that movie being in the ten grand or less range cuz i sure didn't see much being spent on... well, on much of anything. either that or someone did some serious pocket-stuffing.

but what do i know? i've only shot upwards of 3000 scenes, directed a few hundred flicks and edited that number or more other flicks shot by other guys.

you guys might remember i was only there because i had to deliver the girl to this piece-of-shit little rat-n-roach infested warehouse space in the "la bomba" district of down-town LA so she could work on a $3 set that could have been contstructed in a corner of anyone's garage in the valley. and because it was in downtown, i had to hang out and wait for the girl. a rather long wait, i might add. i even left and came back and, altho i was gone a few hours, it seemed like nothing much in the way of progress had taken place. i suppose cuz true "art" was being made.

but such is the way of porn sets where little or no experience is in evidence... crew-wise, that is.

amateur porn with an attempt at a pop culture hook. ya gotta love it!