Originally Posted By: NitneLiun
You guys don't get it. As for my intense hate of Obama, it is rooted in his politics and policies, as well as his personality. He is imperious, petulant, lazy, dishonest and narcissistic. The fact that he's black makes it fun to hate him.

As I said earlier, I don't like blacks. That doesn't mean I'm the cross burning type. It means that I avoid them rather than confront them. When I do encounter a negro, I usually end up walking away, laughing at their stupidity. However, I also refuse to be reigned in by political correctness. I am happy to point out their lower intelligence, propensity for violence, etc.

If there were no blacks in the U.S., I am certain I would be an opponent of legalized abortion. However, like Margaret Sanger, I believe legalized abortion to be the most effective tool for controlling the negro population, short of forced sterilization or extermination. I also believe that Roe v. Wade is legally indefensible. It's a difficult situation to be in.

You're so unbelievably fucking stupid it's almost beyond belief, but sadly not at all surprising. I'd like to see the collective IQ of your average pieces of white trash living in an Alabama trailer park or at an ICP concert.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.