Originally Posted By: have2cit
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
capitalism needs the government to prop it up

BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You truly understand nothing.

You're free market would evaporate in a matter of months. The corporations would never allow it to exist, just as naive as you accuse some one the left when they talk about the "zero sum gain" when you talk about "big government" not being on the side of capitalism, it's all a farce designed to remove consumer protection so they can become even more unfettered, drive wages down even lower all while feeding you some utopianstic fantasy that everyone is going to magically become a small business owner if we'd just cut taxes on the rich. Look at fucking nafta for fuck's sakes, "free markets" mean nothing more than finding someone downtrodden enough and desperate to do the job you already do for .75 on the dollar. ..................But I really want to hear more about your faith, what you hold dear at night, what form of "god" you fathom pushes you forward in your righteous delusion where you're convinced you're absolutely right and there's not even a shadow of a doubt your believes could even possibly be wrong, buddah? allah? kali? The dead jew nailed to a rubber tree? The big electron? The flying spaghetti monster? Nyarlathotep? Yog-Sothoth? ......maybe even.....

Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.