Finished Bioshock Infinite. Great game. I can see where all of the extremely favorable reviews come from, as it tells an amazing story that has a level of interest and quality to it that the gaming world hasn't seen in a long time. I'd say the best story told before would have to be 2007's Bioshock, which was also written by Ken Levine. About halfway through the game though, I had sort of an unexpected revelation:

I'm fucking tired of blowing the shit out of people in every game I play.

Seriously. It's not really an issue of morality, as much as an issue of repetativeness. Every single game I play involves brutally slaughtering endless roomfuls of people, as I advance a story. It's just getting old.

I picked up Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch to combat this burnt-out feeling. A long, drawn out, Japanese RPG by Level 5 and Studio Ghibli (Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away). It's like playing a goddamn cartoon and I'm loving it. No shotguns and assault rifles. No blood spurting. No hiding behind cover to wait for victims to come out. Just lighthearted questing and storytelling.