Originally Posted By: Bornyo
I just don't understand the obsession with food these days, and especially overpaying for same. Don't eat garbage and if you have a weakness eat it in moderation.

Eat to live, don't live to eat.

Tonight was Supper Club. We had "country fried" venison cube steak which means battered and deep fried , white rice, white gravy and a huge pot of navy beans with venison sausage and other admixtures. The meat I ate wouldn't cover a tablespoon nor would the rest fill one, except for the beans. I ate the beans "like forty going north".

Overpaying - affluent people in, say, hip New York City boroughs probably don't need to care about food prices much and might gladly pay for societal status upgrades included in the price of the food.
The same should apply in different cities and with people with a lot less money. Starbucks doesn't primarily sell coffee - it's all a tailored experience trip. Like an Apple Store.

If you meant that organic stuff's just too fucking expensive, Bornyo, then that should relatively be true.
Heavily subsidised goods have a tendency to be more competitive.

People in sports eat tons of shit, too.

Bodybuilders order gallons of protein and other powders for a mentally resourceful diet.
Cyclists put maltodextrin or other highly caloric things in their hydration bladder to basically carry more pre-digested food around and not use some awful gel or energy bar.

That's not that far away from putting shitty microwave TV dinners on the table.

The moderation bit might work here and there. For results which directly cater to vanity and thus actually have to be noticeable, more is needed.
The usual shit. Change in eating habits, style and choice, increased physical activity, not saying "Fuck it!" after a while.

I'm thinking about a name for my fitness program tech already. Tech. Maybe a cult, as there is where the money allegedly is.