Once upon a time in the valley, whore Devon wasn't just a casual video whore.
She was special and had a contract for services fendered.

It worked out quite well for her once, as, allegedly, she received 20K for her first fall down the chute.

If Digital Playground didn't in part try to copy Andrew Blake material released at half the normal playback speed and without any faking audio at that time, the result might've been alright, but - just no. It wasn't and it was shitty.

She got a bit inked up and did some of the less promoted other stuff after the corporate whore gig mentioned.

She came back for the Anal Olympics.

Her faking's still weird and moderately annoying. Her nose still looks collapsed and as if from a comic. New old tricks.

Devon_01.png (291 downloads)
Devon_02.png (301 downloads)
Devon_03.png (290 downloads)
Devon_04.png (299 downloads)
Devon_05.png (300 downloads)

Edited by PulpeD (03/30/13 05:54 AM)