I dunno, Barry. Back on track marks with Mike South blackballing a black guy:


Mr Marcus Is Still Toxic
By MikeSouth
February 28th, 2013

Mister Syphilis

Though he hasn’t flunked out of porn yet he proved that his name is still toxic within the industry last week. His appearance on Jessica Bangkoks show last week with two new girls who probably were unaware of his history in the biz, ended in disaster. People lost jobs over it even and the future of Ms Bangkok, who exercised extremely poor judgement, and her radio show are up in the air.

Most people in the biz expressed outrage and disgust that the sorry piece of shit isn’t in jail. Truth is, he should be.

That isn’t to say he won’t make his way back in but nobody who shoots him right now will go public with it and most girls who have been in the biz more than a minute have him on the NO list.

Even scumbags like those at Manwin are keeping him at arms length although many saw his appearance on Jessica’s show as Manwins attempt to slowly move him back in and when the backlash came they threw Jessica and her program director under the bus.

At first Manwin was threatening to sue Lisa Ann for shining the light on this but that quickly got squelched when porners got in an uproar. Subsequently Lisa cooled off on pointing the finger at Manwin and they backed down on her opting instead to focus the heat on Jessica.

One has to wonder what Mister Marcus thinks of his “legacy”….He is no different than Mark Wallace.

February 28th, 2013 | Category: Manwin, Mike South Commentary, Uncategorized

10 Replies:


So basically the one that should have been thrown under the bus (Mr. Mucus) wasn’t and others around him suffered the collateral damage instead.


When Manwin realize Lisa Ann was such soft target went right after Jessica becuase she was so save there owens on this matter. Manwin how feel lose face as porn company claim not so long ago being safiest porn company in industry . Have Mister Marcus come long fuck all over on that claim Manwin. Manwin feet are still gone be in fire place over matter when powers be in city this took place in take good look in to this matter. I am sure Manwin gone put Jessica from frying pan in the fire overs this when all said done. That what get when work with Manwin. Those stupid enough in porn industry use Mister Marcus you desver disaster misfortune gone bring your company sooner or later. Mister Marcus seem incapable of doing right thing in porn seem more welling fuck ever body over in indusrty for owen good. He well be nail in indusrty that gets ever one wearing condoms from east coast to west coast nationwide in the indusrty.


Are there people in porn really this stupid, I mean just plain stupid? As soon as you try to give the industry the benefit of the doubt they pull something like this, and you realize that stupid is to kind of a word.

So to answer the question,”YES!”

K-Dawg Cole:

2 bad that is the tip of the iceberg.. stay tuned..


Many people in the porn industry are calling for Mr. Marcus to be permanently banned from performing and some are even saying he should do prison time for his falsification of a syphilis test that temporarily halted porn production last year. What Marcus did was dumb, make no mistake about it and performers have every right to put them on their “NO” list. But in his mind, he probably thinks what he did was not a huge deal. Why? Well because for years the porn industry has fostered an environment in which—outside of HIV—most curable STDs are treated more like annoying colds than serious problems. For the people who think performers(s) should be imprisoned for faking an STD test, I just have a few questions:

1) If people within the porn industry are concerned about preventing the spread of all STDs, then why have performers been allowed to work after being tested for only 3 STDs (up until summer 2012). There are a lot more than 4 STDs out there–so have people always believed the other sexually transmitted diseases/infections aren’t as serious or important? And why is talent required to be only tested once per month? Aren’t the sex workers at Nevada’s most famous brothel tested for STDs on a weekly basis?

2) Is herpes not an STD? It has long been said that the majority of talent carry the herpes virus but performers can work freely without being tested for it. Is it any less morally wrong for a performer to NOT disclose his or her herpes (a virus that’s permanent) status before working than actually faking an STD test for a disease that’s actually curable? I’m sure there are more than a few naive newbies who enter the industry herpes-free only to leave the business with the virus because their co-worker(s) did not inform them of their status.


In America you have a right to be stupid … John Kerry Proudly Defends America’s ‘Right to Be Stupid. Here go John Kerry explain rest world that proudly defend America right to be stupid jilted.


Stupid is dease that seem that porn indusrty has no cure for. Case in point Steven Hirsch Vivid claiming There has not been an on-set transmission of HIV since 2004, when five performers were infected by one actor,” says Christian Mann of Evil Angel, another Valley company that produces pornographic films. “That’s not true,” counters Mark McGrath of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Mark’s claim is supported by data from the Center for Disease Control, which lists one case where an actor in an adult film produced in the Valley tested positive for HIV in 2010.

The CDC report claims the actor had 14 sexual contacts prior to the test. Five of those partners were located, and three of those had been infected with HIV. However, nine of the 14 people who had sexual contact with the actor were never located, according to Dr. Francisco Meza, who conducted the investigation. The king stupid Joe Francis. Who today is filing Chapter 11 protection for all stupid thing he has done cost his company to do so. So stupid is dease that some in porn in the indusrty are spreading other like common cold.


Thing about Mr. Marcus was he was poster boy for Free Speech Coalition on ever thing indusrty was doing right. Untill he made syphilis -infection scandal. Than he said was sorry Free Speech Coalition said it was mistake we forgive you like never happen.


Two people should be responsible — Mr. Marcus and whoever approves guests for Ms. Bangkok’s show. Mr. Syphilis should be taken behind the woodshed and shot in the gut for what he did to the industry. Ms. Bangkok’s boss (I am reasonably sure she does not control the guests selected for her show) also needs to be shot in the gut and left to die painfully. I agree that Mr. Marcus is no better than Marc Wallice — and their “legacy” is piss poor indeed. Mr. Marcus has been a festering sore on the ass of porn for years — he was well known for cumming in women’s cunts when he was supposed to cum on their stomach or tits. Just ask Billy Watson about that one sometime. Fuck Mr. Marcus up the ass with Marc Wallice’s dick and make Marc cum deep inside Mr. Marcus’s ass!
