OK, what the hell, let's actually discuss gun control.

Since the second amendment expressly stresses the importance and role of regulation as the pre-requisite to gun ownership, shouldn't the laws be tougher?

I'm thinking along the lines of having to prove your competence and ability after you prove your suitability (i.e. mental health, criminal record, etc).

I don't think the type of gun or size of the ammo clip should be the issue, rather it should be about the ability of the individual (and prospective future militia member). I don't think any wack job should be allowed to be able to carry a deadly weapon. Nor should an elderly person with dementia who can't recognize family members from strangers. Nor should a person with Parkinson's Disease be allowed to own a gun unless they can hit the bulls eye and not the bystanders. Not only that, let's take it a step further. I think people should be required to show competence not just a driver's license. Even if a person is intelligent, mentally and physically sound, has no criminal record, is a pillar of the community, a nice guy, and a life time member of the NRA, they should be denied the ability to own a gun if they can't demonstrate good gun safety and the ability to shoot competently.

I would also propose making classifications of weapon types and giving certifications for the ability to own those weapon types.

That is real gun control. The kind of gun control our Constitution demands.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.