Originally Posted By: Jigaloo
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
I'm not in love with the NRA ad. Sausage and Bulimia are targets and should have protection. It comes with their dad's job, as it should.

I believe when the 11 armed guards are mentioned about the school they go to, it's not counting the Secret Service.

There's the rub. I'm sure the guards beyond the SS are a selling point to prospective customers, er, students. Even with all that, a maniac on a suicide mission and some planning could still do a fuckton of damage.

If we're seriously talking about really protecting schools, we need to look at jail/ prison level security. Walls, razor wire, armed guards (plural), sally- ports for dropping off and picking up. The "visitor" sticker I had to wear the other day (that I didn't have to wear 6 weeks ago) will stop no one with bad intentions.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE