Originally Posted By: Bornyo
Moonshiner Bill (of underground still infamy) is a friend of mine.

Their hero Barney Barnwell did make 'shine. Bill has made 'shine, but that beautiful stainless steel still they had this season is no longer anywhere to be found, and he is not making 'shine since the show debuted. Not sure what he plans next.

Tell him I said "hey". I just honestly don't get the underground thing, tho.

I think the show is a work in that what is being filmed is probably just dry run...a simulation. A camera crew and lights and shit that go with it doesn't a secret make.

I think that's really the out for everyone. If they're asked, they wink and nod and say "oh, it's just tv". The fire department guy is a volunteer, and you just don't know when you're operating in a small town like that. Maybe everyone knows, has known and no one gives a shit.

What's not a work is that it's another situation where the gov has one hand out for their vig and their other hand holding the gun that enforces their fund raising efforts, all the while being nothing other than a roadblock.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE