I agree to an extent on Springsteen but if you don't care about entertaining your audience you are an idiot if you are still doing four hour shows. His best songs (1975-1985) always had some politics involved in them but the politics were part of the backdrop or setting of the song and not the entire song. The focus of The River was not about how the Republicans are screwing the working class, it was about the narrator of the song and the girl he knocked up. Born in the U.S.A. wasn't about the plight of Vietnam veterans everywhere it was about the plight of one particular veteran. Now he is nowhere near as subtle as he was back then. I'd still want to catch his show if he ever came into town though. I still have a lot more respect for him than I do for that doucebag Kanye West or even McCartney when he gets on one of his vegetarianism soapboxes.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules