McDonalds has fucking wifi.

What are the 3 non allowed letters in her email address?

There's an income limit on the Obamaphones. I think it's like 125% of the federal poverty level. Of course, if you're on any of the approved programs, that'll be waived. As a side note, Carlos Slim (the world's richest man) gets $10 per phone that TracFone supplies to the Obamaphone program.

@ivor Three Jacksons? That's just racist and ig'nant. Why can't our not so great nation put someone on the whatever dollar bill that didn't personally hand hand out firewater and blankets infected with athlete's foot to our proud Native brothas? Just pay her in singles. Washington never abused the duskier ra...oh...never mind.

@frankie figgs Get her a TracFone. Get pics of her with Sharpies in her bum.

Honestly, it's kind of depressing.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE