Originally Posted By: NitneLiun
I don't see how the governor is a victim. He's a real sick, malevolent megalomaniac.

really?. I have him as a victim.
- He keeps his zombie daughter as a pet because he can't let go and fully deal with the concept of loss and accept the world for what it is. Same with the aquarium.

- Every time Michonne shows up he gets rocked.

- He's the "governor" but wasn't getting any pussy until Andrea showed up and he had to drop the act and go "Phillip" to get some. weak!

- He used the one armed guy as a scapegoat because Rick and crew walked into their town and busted skulls. Mind you Rick is still all sorts of fucked up but not on the level of weak ass Phillip.

the dudes a poor excuse for a villain. Shane and Carols husband were far more sinister.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn