I assume so. It's a really weirdly written law. Huge taxation at every step...like 25% each on the grower, the distributor and the retail. The Liquor Control Board will regulate it, but they seem to think it'll take them a year to get the apparatus in place. Until then possession and use are legal, but buying or selling still isn't. My attitude is that the LCB already has tax collecting and regulating powers for liquor, so they should just have to design new forms and hire some new employees. If it's going to take them a year to do that, they must be high.

I was wondering last night about the legality of selling "used" pipes and such. And can the word "bong" be used in a head shop?

One of my shameful secrets is the acceptance that an Obama operated Justice Department will more than likely take a stand back and watch approach. In the next election cycle, when the rest of the world sees that the world hasn't ended, the Federal gov will have little choice but to accept it as a state's rights issue and reschedule weed. Given the choice, tho, I'd take small gov/ low taxes over weed.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE