Caught the last half hour of SOA. Pretty brutal. That bald dude was not light handed covering up Clay's tattoos.

When Jax got the loaded whatever at the ex's house, I turned to my girl and said "he doesn't have a gun". Any forced to be a junkie storyline works for me.

Jax isn't going to turn Tig over to Pope. I'm pretty sure Pope will catch a slug in the finale. Remember when he and Jax were talking "insurance" policies? Pope said there were contractors and whichever killed his killer gets $5mil. There's next season's storyline.

I have no idea where anything else going to go, other than I'm sure Nero will be doing a heel turn.

I've only seen maybe a combined 45 minutes of the last 3 eps, so I'm probably talking out my ass.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE