Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Anyway, on to other matters. I got Christie for the GOP, who the Dems gonna put up to ride Obammy's coattails w/ the economy on the upswing? The cycle should be coming out of the trough 2014-15, unless Qualitative Easing bites us in the ass.

Our economic problems aren't related to a typical business cycle. What we had in 2008/09 was a full-blown financial meltdown. You can't count on a cyclical upswing any time in the next four years. Frankly, I don't think Obama cares about economic growth. He wants to socialize the U.S. That is his sole agenda.

It's Quantitative Easing, by the way. After three rounds and more to come, I'd say it has already bitten us in the ass.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."