As twisted as it seems, this announcement gave me a glimmer of hope after Hurricane Sandy devastated the area.


We wanted to update everyone with some VERY GOOD NEWS! We have been in close contact with the NJ Expo Center following that skanky whore Sandy and are happy to report that EXXXOTICA New Jersey IS 100% ON! Not only is the expo center going to be ready for us next weekend, but they have three events planned there THIS weekend. Now THAT is dedication!

We have EVEN MORE GOOD NEWS… We have extended the discount promo code "FSANDY" through Friday night (11/3). Why? Because fuck Sandy… That's why! This is the biggest discount we have ever offered. "FSANDY" gets you $5 off general admission tickets, $10 off 1-day VIP tickets and $20 off 3-day VIP tickets! Go to and click "BUY TICKETS HERE". From there you enter the promo code and you're good to go!
So let's do this Jersey!

"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman