Yeah, those six figure gigs driving water trucks in ND are just killing folks.

Bhopal? Seriously? So, really FBF's problem is with the internal combustion engine, right? And with reasonable comparisons. #perspective They're holding back the 200mpg water powered, aren't They? Those evil They.

As for Chomsky, if his expertise doesn't translate to politics, why would you downtalk some kid bagging groceries because their expertise doesn't translate to politics either? Or that somehow whatever your expertise is would translate to politics? But I'm sure you can make sense of it all.

Just as an aside, we don't have Krogers in my neck. Never bagged groceries or had a McJob. Which is the comical thing about you folks. Oh, you so want to bring those grocery baggers and McWorkers up to some higher level, but when you're trying to make your ridiculous points, they're the first people you throw under the bus.

So tell me...who does your kind vote for? Who is the 7th Party kook that couldn't get elected to the county sewer board but gives you a chubby because he'll really put the screws to those evildoers who make a nickle more than you do? Or are you more a OWSwannabe type? Either way, you're a malcontet who is marginalized by nothing other than your own outdated beliefs. Beliefs that were wrong when they were in fashion.

Bhopal. Silly anarchist.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE