Originally Posted By: Steezo
We're all getting to see how totally in the tank every member of the news media is besides a few people on Fox and a handful of talk radio hosts. No matter what's going on worldwide, switch on MSNBC and they'll be doing a story on Romney and how awful he is. I switch it on sometimes just for fun just to see how many seconds until I heard Romney's name or see a graphic on the screen about him. And there is literally nothing under the sun that Obama could say or do which would get him any negative press right now on MSNBC or the other networks.

I still think Obama is going to pull this one off. I don't like it but that's the feeling I get right now. I would love to be wrong just to watch Ed Schultz swallow his tongue during MSNBC's coverage. That douchebag makes Matthews seem like William Buckley by comparison.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules