This year the options for president are down right abysmal. I’m not voting for the Mau Mau or the Mormon. Omonkey was never going to get my vote that commie isn’t even an option. Romney is way to phony and slick for my taste. I smell northeast liberal all over this guy. The Republicans needed to nominate a strong tea party candidate that actually stood for something we need a leader with strong principles. Romney is a shill he’ll say and do anything to get elected. I’m planning to vote down ticket and leave the top blank I just don’t trust that Mormon.

If Newt would have had the money he could have captured the republican nomination. I really think he could have brought the fight Obama. Romney has voted as a democrat before. I can’t vote for a man that brought us the blueprint for Obamacare, a man who was for fag rights when he was governor of Mass. The man speaks French for God sakes like I said; I’m going to leave the top of the ticket blank.