So...I'm...stealing bandwidth now? And if I'm stealing "your bandwidth", doesn't that make it mine? Check your spelling when you call someone stupid, Stupid. Or as Clint would say "If you're gonna hang someone, make sure they're dead".

But back to this stealing bandwidth thing. What does that mean, exactly? Aren't we all guilty of that...assuming in this case there is such a thing? Were you stealing bandwidth before you're (spelling so you can understand, Stupid) coronation? Have you paid into the fund? Is there a fund? Or are you just flailing uselessly hoping to God to regain relevance? It's a strawman, because there has never been any "Donate Here" button that I've ever seen. And how do you know I wouldn't contribute? How do we know you would? Or are you putting in sweat equity?

Hundreds of pictures of shitty smoking accessories? Nice shot at an insult, but you fail to understand that any shit you talk about my stuff is still more positive than what I think of the stuff I make. Thanx for playing tho. And hundreds of pictures? 25 maybe...maybe. But that's what this is about, isn't it? I disagree with you and your kind, so it has to turn personal because it's all you have. Your wrong, you're little social experiment is wrong, and deep down you know it. Too bad your so invested in it. You've painted yourself in a corner and the only way you can find to get out is to entrench yourself deeper. But hey, the board's about you, born and lou.

The fact is I made valid points in my long post. You saying it's stoner rambling doesn't change that.

As for Steve giving me a say, I'm a member of this board and I'll have my say until you decide to get rid of me again. I'm sorry if you don't like it. No, scratch that. I couldn't give a fuck whether you, born or lou don't like it.

C'mon, lou. Jump in with your boys and tell me how stupid and stoned I am and all the other insults your brain trust has been throwing my way.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE