So looks like Impact is going to be emphasizing the "reality" aspect of the business in more ways than just a shaky backstage camera. The new plan is to bring "what happens on the road and behind the scenes" to the forefront and give people a peek at what it's really like to be part of the TNA family. I really, honestly don't know how this is supposed to work. I mean, how am I supposed to suspend disbelief when they're almost forcing me not to? If this is all kayfabe, then it would probably work, as TNA is pretty much the king of unintentional humor, and I can only see the glorious trainwreck getting better and better when they really let a team of "writers" cut loose. But from what I read, it sounds like their supposed to show booking meetings and shit like that. Dixie said that Spike thinks that people are shifting their viewing habits to more reality-based shit, and they want to see if this can apply to wrestling as well.

You know, this is a perfect fucking TNA thing to do. It's like they have this ongoing joke that every other angle, storyline, campaign, etc., has to suddenly dissapear about as quick as it emerged, like some kind of dumb rib on the fans. What happened to "This Is Wrestling" and all of that horseshit. Remember that? When they were all, "we're about wrestling. Not talking and fucking off. WE WRESTLE HERE". Now they're all like, "nobody wants to see wrestling, they want talking". Seriously, how the fuck is this company still in business?

Dixie also recently came out and admitted that Brooke Hogan was brought in to "bring more attention to the brand" and that her onscreen role is completely kayfabe. So basically she's really there to show off her ridiculous jugs and face that seemingly aged about 15 years in the last 5.

Edited by fartz (06/03/12 06:48 AM)