I just watched the Aries/ Ryan match. His pre match out of character aw, shucks promo was...different, but I liked it. They didn't push him as "Hollywood", tho. His look had no context, unless you're an interweb nerd. Maybe the real "Hollywood" disapproved, brother. I hate that worthless piece of shit more and more every day.

Yeah. Brooke. I'm jacked. Yeah. The most interesting thing they have going is the Women's Division, so let's throw some Hogan poison into the mix. If that doesn't fuck things up, nothing will.

Why hasn't TNA snapped up that Hardy junkie yet?

Did anyone catch the meeting with Hogan and Angle, AJ, Bubba and Jeff Hardy? They're all sitting there in the gear and they pan to Hardy. What a fucking circus freak. So much face paint that King Diamond would think it was a bit much. And his goofy ass stretched out earlobes. Perhaps an update in the gimmick might be in order.

Jerry Lynn is the absolute shit. He lives the business, but has never gotten his due.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE