Originally Posted By: LouCypher
not sure about the gout bit. he's like fourth generation hillbilly and i think i read somewhere that webbed feet protect you from gout and mountain dew mouth.

That reminds me. A local mechanic that does most of my work is supposed to be rounding up some moonshine for me. I've been busy the last couple of days. I thought I was going to parlay helping a 20 year old chick with a phone card into some pussy but turns out way too much drama and really seedy characters around her for me. Then I had a doctors appt. out of town. Neurological. I haven't had a small stroke as suspected and I blew some of the cognitive tests out of the water. I named 30 different animals in 60 seconds which the doc said was a personal record for his patients. Most only do around 15. No sign of early alzheimers, Parkinsons or MS.
On the caddy. A friend I went to college with was the salesman. I had contacted him to look for one for me and in less than 48 hours one showed up on the lot where he works. Those pics don't do it justice. It looks fucking great detailed and I am just beginning to understand some of the bells and whistles. The satellite radio must have some scrip time left as it's still active. Heated seats front and back, back up and parking sensors, etc.... pretty loaded. About a 48,000 dollar car when it was new. They threw in window tinting, 24000 mile warranty, bumper to bumper rubber and tire replacement in failure or accident, front end alignment, the detailing, and wiped the engine down good plus a half tank of premium gas. How could I pass it up ? The dealership is the same place I will be getting the Camry serviced. Drove it to the doc today. It's a great car.
I have indeed tried to reinvent myself just a little without going over the top hopefully. Been dressing a little nicer, smelling a little better [lol] stepping a little higher. One of my friends at the hamvention who hadn't seen me face to face for a while says I look better than I have in 10 years of sickness. I'll probably have a massive coronary tomorrow but I feel a lot better than I have in a while.
I may not know arse but I know what I like !