How to choose your bird

Once you found the ideal place for you to buy your feathery friend, all that is left is to choose the best bird for you. First you want to spend time with the different birds available look them over real good, to make sure they are healthy, and then here are some of the points you should consider:

•The bird shouldn't be deathly afraid of you, he should at least look curious about you, if not friendly.
•If you approach the bird with your finger, the bird should not jump all over the place, desperately trying to escape. Then again don't expect the bird to be all happy about that ugly thing coming to wards him and step up already.
•You should look for the bird that is the most active of the bunch, if all the birds are sleepy, all puffed up at the bottom of the cage (given it's not late at night) good chances are all of them are sick, do not buy any of them.
•If they are missing feathers (given that they aren't very young chicks or molting) or if they are being picked on by the others, chances are that they are sick.
•If the bird is chirpy, playing and being generally active and curious, that's very good and you should investigate this bird further.
•If one of the bird seems overly interested in you, wants to go on your finger/shoulder, whistles to you and does everything to catch your attention... well I think we have a winner!
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.