Originally Posted By: tattypatty
Wrestling fans as a whole are huge fucking marks. They get shit product because they continue to support shit product.
The last show I went to was good only because it was at the local fair and had a lot of old time working class guys getting fucked up and watching Greg Valentine, Koko and Abdullah. They were the only guys who stuck around to sign shit. All the young guys peaced out.
Bret Hart never showed (we were told this mid card over the PA he wasn't coming) and Jeff Jarret never wrestled (we were told at the beginning, though he did come out and hit AJ Styles with a guitar).
I wouldn't cross the street to watch any of this shit live again.

Wrestling fluctuates. There's highs and lows. You have to be a complete and total mark-ass virgin nerd who thinks My Little Ponies is "kewl" to believe that the business is not in a horrible slump. Last time mainstream wrasslin' was this horrible was 89-95 right before WCW did the NWO angle, ECW became noticeable, and WWE started the attitude era.

Fans stick with it though, just hoping it gets better. I watch Impact every week, just hoping that maybe they'll get their shit together. Vince has all the tools to make the WWE something enjoyable, but unfortunately, right now, he's still catering to children on the whole. I honestly think that the current hipster trend of liking shit that blatantly sucks just to be different from "the establishment" is making up for more ticket sales than it should. I say this because the majority of forums that I visit to get the wrasslin news is composed of posters with signatures and avatars that consist mainly of My Little Pony and current WWE stuff. Sometimes mixed. Like Daniel Bryan riding a My Little Pony.

You see, this is the kind of shit that fuels the current product. Whatever bleeding, hairy vagina created this picture is who decides how awesome your Monday/Thursday nights are.

Edited by fartz (05/06/12 06:56 AM)