I like your three posts but I just can't figure out exactly what you're trying to say. Maybe if you had done a fourth post and worded it a bit differently but included the exact same content as the other three long posts, then I Could Of understood it morer...

Remind me again Faceblaster how you made your money in porn? It certainly wasn't from doing boy/girl scenes was it? You never did meet certain criteria. If I had to chose between my gigs and the only work you could get (just circle jerks), then I would definitely pick mine.

For me, it just wouldn't have been worth it to not ever get to fuck the girl one on one, which I did plenty of and i've never seen you do (not one single time ever)

It also makes perfect sense to frown upon a guy that would stoop so low as to pay a girl for sex, right? I mean, what kind of woman would do porn and then expect to be paid for it?

You guys are both making super good arguments.