Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
Originally Posted By: FAT BLOODY FINGERS

And there's the compassionate, peace loving Left we have all grow to love

This is the exact fucking problem. I think the left needs to start flipping the fuck out and institute some violent and vicious vanguarding. Shouting down and total marginalization of the enemy. Basically what conservatives do every day.

I love this Revolution stuff. What about the children? People dying in the streets. Old folks eating cat food...which, if you own a cat, would know is spendier than people food.

Good luck with your violent vanguarding. Keep in mind that everyone's blood is red, no matter how righteous the ideal. I'm curious tho. Could you let us know which conservatives are causing violence in the streets? Are even calling for violence in streets. That damn conservative Sharpton? He shouts down, calls for violence. Must be a conservative by your way o' thinking.

I'm sorry, but your technique of violence, at least in civilized nations, is as dead as the dodo. You can't force beliefs into people at the point of a gun or the taste of the lash. First they ignore you. Then the laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. Get a sub to the Revolution. Fantastic mag. Donate and advocate. Bring your ideas to the streets at the point of a bayonet. Then we win.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE