Prime Minister Harper is smart enough to avoid the issue and not create a tempest in a teapot. Adults like porn. If consenting adults want to have consensual sex, it's no business of the government to intervene. At least President Obama has said the focus should be on protecting children and this makes sense. Conservatives pandering to the base by trying to be ultra-conservative are dangerous.

Let Romney spend his money, get the nomination, and lose to Obama. Too bad for Ron Paul, the one who makes the most sense. Just go with the prettiest talking head.

One last rant about the starfishedness of Americans: When terrorists attacked your country, politicians were up in arms. WE MUST TRY THEM IN THE US!! (Or just detain them for a decade with no trial at Gitmo.) Then, when Staff Sgt. Robert Bales launches his one-man assault, do you think he gets to face Afghan justice? No way! He's flown out of there to "calm things down." What a load of shit. Let the spin-doctoring begin so he's the PTSD-suffering victim.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.