Definitely but who fucking cares. If You're trying to make friends why commiserate on a decaying porn industry internet forum?

But ...

When did XPT jump the shark?

It was when the Drunken Ugly Indian Banned Monkey's alt. Lame or cool.

Monkey Baits

Ugly Indian BITES!!!

The Result was that the Red whore Conning Genius was torn from his modship and it's been a rapid decline ever since.

In a way its a comment on the Porn Industry as a whole rapidly decaying into a place where a "talent" like Brand Iron and his harem of desperate Backpage, Craigslist whores can eek out and existence.

However I wonder to myself. Why did monkey do it? Was is just a by-product of his self loathing and suicidal tendencies that just happened to result in the demise of XPT?

Or was it an ultimate plan of a genius?

In the end it has allowed near do well mopes like BoringYo and HIV2SEAT to ascend to modship in the FUCKING CAGE while people like Jamsen, Fatman, and others have stopped posting. In their wake internet jockey scum like JERKULIES is allowed to run unfettered in this forum polluting it with lame ass takes and thread like his "hottest Girl" abortion.

You know who the consistently most interesting poster is now? FUCKING ALPANZER. FUCKING PANZER....


How did you allow it to come to THAT!!!!

You're Welcome Whores...

And all you whores..

Stupid Whores are going to stupid whore...

Edited by Nathanial Mayweather (03/16/12 12:08 PM)