My old neighbourhood in Seattle (basically Highway 99 from SeaTac down to Normandy Park, I Green River Killer hunting grounds) is just swamped with Somalis. The last time I was there was maybe 5 years ago and you couldn't kick a soccer ball without hitting one. They are a physically beautiful people...think that model David Bowie is married to. And the coldest, deepest eyes you've ever seen. But it's like nassim said, they come from a place very different from the 1st World. I think we expect folks to come here from the 7th Level of Hades and just hop onto the American Dream carnival ride. With skill sets that just are not adaptable.

That said, the Germans, the Irish, the Scotch, the Italians and any number of foreigners have been coming here for years and have adapted. Mostly because up until the last 50 or so years they've been expected to assimilate. With all cultures being equally valid and diversity being the coin of the realm, such is not the case today. To the detriment of everyone.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE