Anyone see Loftus have a meltdown on twitter because Raven passed her over for the interview in favor of Gene Ross and Mike South? Go back on her timeline to the 23rd. She's still complaining last I checked. Raven has now blocked her. It seems she's been harassing Raven's real friends into getting a story for LIB. The Avluv's have been trying to make her understand that Raven wants to be left alone and how all of this is hurting Raven. Cindi is putting on this pity party and how it's effecting her, not Raven. She's going on about how she and Raven are great friends and she doesn't understand why Raven has now blocked her and won't Dm her. While everyone else calls Raven or emails her, Loftus could only communicate with her by twitter. How can you tell others you're such great friends but your only form of communication with Raven is twitter? She then announced she's selling LIB and how all she's trying to do is get the "truth" out about Raven.