Originally Posted By: JasonH
Originally Posted By: ChipE

You are a Racist Asshole. Hope you have many daughters and they all do porn and escort.
Let me clue you in to something. Throwing out the "racist" label is akin to crying wolf at this point. It's been used so many times, it's lost its potency. I've accepted the fact that many people will only view me as a racist. So rather than getting upset about it, I choose to focus the rest of my reply on what you didn't call me: a liar. You took the time to read, quote, and reply to my post, but you made no attempt to refute my remarks. Why is that?

Why is because he can't. The funny thing is that all our arguements are pretty debatable. But the cocksucker is too much of a mental little person to come up with them. So he does the only thing he knows: yelling "racism".
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE