Originally Posted By: Steezo

The thing is, my previous dealings with the Anchorage police while drunk is that they're really cool. The last time I dealt with one was right after Saint Patrick's when I got super loaded and tried to walk home on extremely wet/icy sidewalks. I fell down and almost cracked my head open, floundered around on the ice for a while and then decided I'd just lay there and bleed to death. This cop pulled up and got my story and the only thing I really remember telling him was that his goddamned head was so big that he must be Irish. After that, I think I might have told him about my favorite St. Patrick's Day when I got Ireland & Scotland confused and just started yelling at everyone in a horrible Scottish accent. All I can really remember is an image of the cop doubled over in laughter. He called the meds to check my bleeding head and then dropped me off at my house, which was extremely cool.

lmaoed at the whole thing,especially the big head part.
i think of the past and how the future isnt how i imagined it,but the past is exactly where i unraveled it.excuses for failed attempts, gained another one i used a noose
it’s not until you fall apart you see the screws are loose-cage