I didn't mean to kill the cats, I usually let the traffic and bigger critters cull that herd. It just happened, and I aint too fucking sad about it. I just hope they weren't trapped and consumed by chinks.

One of my favorite times of winter is just after the first cold snap. I poison the hell outta the place and wait to see the little green sprinkles of joy. (Poison I get is green, and it colors there poop like too much licorice will do to you)

Neighbor don't care too much about the cats. They stop at every "free Kitten" sign they see and grab what they can to try and keep the mice/rats down in their barn. They've been up to about 10 and down to about 2 over the past decade. I think its been 5-6 years since they stopped giving them names.

They did take care of all the rabbits we used to have around here. Its fucking hell dodging rabbits while pulling in drunk at 4AM.
Thinking of cracked-out and/or tweaking whores getting their throats and asses brutalized for the next hit makes me hard. --Rear Admiral