Originally Posted By: VW/Velvet
The beauty of wrestling is that nothing is sacred and nothing is off limits.

Remember the kid a few years ago in the E whose gimmick was being a 2nd generation American of Arab descent (he was actually Italian, IIRC). He wore a balaclava, bitched that Americans treated him as if he were a terrorist, managed by Shawn Davari (who should've been the character)? He was over as fuck, getting massive heat like only a foreigner can do. Some Arab groups had kittens over it, and they cut that guy quicker than shit.

Chickenshit on the E's part, because evil foreigners have always been heat generators. The Sheiks (Iron and Original). Any number of Samoans. Fuji, Kabuki. How many Nazis, or almost Nazis have we booed over the years?

Some stuff is off limits, but we usually don't find out til later.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE