Originally Posted By: TRPWL
The biggest and the baddest get to make all the rules..Canada err France are a bunch of fuckin pussies..We go in and handle bizness and you guys get to reap the benefits, if it wasnt for us, you would be part of russia right now..Sp we kill who we think needs to be killed then stop others..You cant compare cold war times to now..Its a whole other ball game..People flying planes into buildings an shyt...

Whereas Russia has never invaded Canada, the US has. Just to remind you, in folk music parlance, this land is our land!
RE: killing who you think needs to be killed. It wouldn't be a problem if those same people who were your friends in one decade didn't become your worst enemies the next. You built up the Taliban to fight the Russians because they were the bad guys. Less than 30 years later, there are McDonald's in Red Square and you are angry with the Taliban for giving you a supersized Big Smack. You flip flop between "freedom fighter" and "terrorist" in head-spinning fashion. Quit fucking with the rest of the world and focus on your own poor, your own disenfranchised, your own unemployed.

It's no different than supporting Iraq against Iran in the 1980s ("We've got to get our hostages back!") before bombing Baghdad in 2003.....and killing hundreds of thousands of your former "friends." What is it with your constant need to fight The Other? Did all that killing help or hurt America's reputation in Islamic countries? It's worrisome that your military-industrial complex elite may concoct another Gulf of Tonkin-like incident to invade yet another country? Enough already! Listen to Ron Paul and stop this culture of violence and endless cycles of war. Elect someone who won't cater to war profiteers or consider jobs building the B-2 bomber the priority. Get back to manufacturing goods and services, not bullets and bombs. The American Dream is a nightmare for so many homeless, unemployed, bankrupt, pissed-off citizens.